EPIC 1 - Provision of the basic functions of the ONE Record API
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Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Introduce SubscriptionRequest subscriber initiated Pub/Sub
- Extend SubscriptionRepository#getSubscriptionCallbackUrls method to handle LO and LO type
- Extend SubscriptionClient to handle both type and LO based proposals
- Extend service to handle both type based and LO based proposals
- Adapt ontology changes to Subscription class
- Extend SubscriptionController#handleSubscriptionProposal method
- Create & implement the use of a NE:ONE internal ontology
- Mutual authentication of 1R instances via mTLS
- User can request a particular version of an LO
- User can request audit trail for LO
- Logistics Object ID can optionally be set when creating a new LO
- Merge topic-based publish/subscribe with publish/subsribe based on individual logistics object
- LO URI has to be configurable
- Server Information can be requested via API
- Creation of an LO and all PATCH requests to local LOs are persisted in audit trail
- LOs can have logistics events
- Collection of sample requests for testing
- Initial project documentation
- ONE Record server can handle received notifications
- ONE Record server can handle received subscription proposal
- ONE Record server can trigger subscription proposal
- Changes to LOs are published to subscribed partners
- Partner can subscribe for LO changes
- Concept for publish/subscribe
- User can request a change for an existing logistics object via PATCH request
- Passed logistics objects are validated
- User can retrieve logistics objects via GET request
- CI/CD pipeline enabled
- User can create logistics objects via POST request