Merge topic-based publish/subscribe with publish/subsribe based on individual logistics object
In our last API alignment meeting (March 1), we compared the previous versions of publish/sub with the most recent one. The previous pub/sub focused on topic-based subscriptions, whereas the reworked draft describes subscriptions for individual logistics objects. During our session, we figured out, that both variants are valid use cases. We distinguish 4 different scenarios:
- Pub/sub for an LO topic, initiated by the subscriber.
- Pub/sub for an LO topic, initiated by the publisher via a subsription proposal.
- Pub/sub for a particular LO, initiated by the subscriber.
- Pub/sub for a particular LO, initiated by the publisher via a sbuscription proposal.
Scenario 1 and 2 are described by the previous API version and the new version covers scenario 3. Scenario 4 is missing so far. In effect, both API versions must now be merged into a new one which covers all these cases.
Acceptance criteria
- A new API version is defined which covers all 4 pub/sub scenarios decribed above.
- API description (markdown), Swagger and ontology are updated accordingly and in sync.
- Previous version (current official draft):
- New version (October working group)
Edited by Volker Wassmuth