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A backend application for eCMR, designed to manage and send digital transport documents (eCMR) for road transport, including cross-border cases.
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Taking into account established templates and international standards, the eCMR will allow companies to uniformly create, edit, save, forward and archive shipping documents in a human- and machine-readable format.
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Project of the WG DAC, aims to create an open source data hub based on the IATA ONE Record standard to improve air freight data exchange, reduce inefficiencies and speed up digitisation. Learn more: https://openlogisticsfoundation.org/project/neone/
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No longer used: This Repository contains the token manager blockchain and a microservice serving as a light client for easy access to the blockchain.
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Further information and contact: https://blockchain-europe.nrw/open-source/border/
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Repository containing the IoT Broker core components: SDK, Device Registry (Service), Sensor Data (Services) and Management application
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The IoT Broker device integration component for the SensingPuck
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The IoT Broker device integration component for the DragonPuck
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Component that allows to integrate the IoT Broker into the IDS ecosystem