Acceptance criteria
Implemented code changes don't diverge from the related issue. -
Documentation reflects the status quo after merge. -
Version number is incremented according to SemVer. (Snapshot versions are not merged/released.) -
Only released versions of dependencies are used (i.e. no snapshot versions). -
Pipeline still works. -
GitLab issue is up-to-date.
If necessary, the following sections have been updated:
Swagger -
Readme.md -
Proposed squash commit message
- Added in ecmr service an observable that will get the next version of the ecmr
- added methode to compare an ecmr currently open version and the next version than it gives back the field keys as a list. based on the given list, the fields would be highlighted.
- Highlighting have a different color for each lighting mode (can be added to environment variables and changed by each company as it pleases once the custom theme is fully implemented)
Closes #78 (closed)
Edited by Hamza Kesraoui